Saturday, 29 May 2010

Best Phone Medium Explains About Life After Death

‘I have to tell you now what happens when people pass over. They are allowed to stay near the body that they have left behind and they can hear and see all those who come into the room, how long they stay is decided by those who have come to help them over.

Although they no longer feel pain and are whole again it does tire them out. We also have to understand that time as we know time is not the same as they experience now. Also if somebody is in a coma type sleep before they die they can float about in and out of their body again they are not alone when this happens. So this would explain that people close to death do visit those that they love and if you are asleep or near to sleep in a mediative state you may experience that meeting with them.

Loved ones that have passed over are able to hear all that you say and they answer your questions but most people are not at this time able to hear for they are grieving their loss and their ears are not picking up the sound, this is normal but please know they are ok and want you to move on in life, you won't leave them behind but you would be helping them in their new life. In time you will understand more about life after death, for they are not dead but very much alive and will still help those they have left behind. No more good-byes, no more tears, be happy for them, no more pain , they can travel wherever they want, no more rain, snow, cold. And in time you will all meet again, one big party!’

The above information given to a client is from a very good platform, trance and psychic phone medium reader known as Dave working for an upscale psychic phone readings brand found at the bottom of this page.

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Monday, 17 May 2010

Finding A Great Tarot Reader

Most importantly it is advisable that one looks for an experienced reader. An experienced reader does not necessarily mean one who has been in the act for a long time. Look out for somebody who knows all the processes involved in the tossing of the cards and understands the symbols of the cards. Interpretations can be done through the manipulation of those cards and understanding what manipulation means. Knowing a tarot reader who knows how to read those cards accurately are very indispensable in obtaining an accurate reading.

Finding one who meets the conditions above can of course be easy once one applies caution and reasoning in the search for an accurate reader. The Internet remains the most valuable source of such a search. Look for ratings they have as well as the feedback. Most importantly you can do a review of providers to see what others say about them.
Finally be wary of the reader who says to you that he predicts your future one hundred percent. Nobody can predict the future one hundred percent; however they can give you a course to guide your future.

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Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Psychic Readings - Different Psychic Skills

Psychic readings need special gifts and special training for one to perform the act effectively. There are different skills associated with psychic readings but to the lay person it may look as if psychic readings are just one homogeneous act of consultation. There are different skills associated with psychic readings. All the readers do not adopt the same method and the same technique in providing services to their clients.

There are three to four distinguishable skills which readers can possess. It is not that one reader possesses all the skills in one. Learning one skill alone may be as life affair; therefore a reader should possess at least one skill.Some of the skills that psychic readers have include the clairvoyance skill. The clairvoyance psychic reading has skill and the ability of using extra sensory perception in finding answers to the client's requests. This is an extra ordinary power which disposes the reader to find answers to clients' requests in real time, which ordinary sense cannot perceive or comprehend. They have an extra sensory perception power through an extra sensory strange means.

They have, power to perceive what is beyond human knowledge and understanding. They perceive not by feeling, or taste not by eating. There is also the clairsentience skill. This one uses methods which are quite different from the method adopted by the clairvoyance. They arrive at their psychic reading through extra sensory perception of the past, the present and then the future. Here they make use of the senses to arrive at their messages. They make use of the senses to predict the future through the past and the present. They get spiritually connected with the client to read the past and present course of his life to determine the dimension the future is taking him to.

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